Why are backflow regulations so important?

And why most plumbers don’t want to talk about it or skip around the facts
The New Zealand Building Code has stringent plumbing regulations for the installation of electronic bidets.

Unfortunately most bidets installed in New Zealand fall short. Most bidets in New Zealand are imported from South Korea, China or Japan often via Australia, and are either sold without any backflow prevention, or with a double/dual checkvalve, which may comply with Australian law, but not New Zealand law. Because bidets connect with the potable water supply, the law requires that an RPZ type valve be used for non compliant bidets. This valve offers the highest degree of protection as required for a “high hazard” appliance which an electronic bidet is.

Unfortunately these valves are expensive and unsightly.

The responsibility for compliance falls to the installer of the bidets, which means that anyone can sell non complaint bidets without disclosing the additional RPZ valve requirement. Unfortunately most plumbers and sellers are unaware of this requirement.

The picture below is one of the appropriate valve that was recommended for use for the non compliant bidet by a plumbing merchant.

An example of an RPZ valve

An example of an RPZ valve

Valves like those shown below are NOT APPROVED for use with electronic bidets under the current plumbing regulations.



The Cleanlet does not require any valves as the

Cleanlet bidet has the backflow prevention built into the unit

The Cleanlet has an Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB) built into the unit. The AVB was tested by one of the accredited testing laboratories and confirmed its compliance with AS/NZS 2845.1.

If you have any questions regarding the Cleanlet, please click here to contact us.

Thank you

The Cleanlet Team